Flamenco Artistic Residency on Stilts with Gabriele Cagnazzo and Carmen de Miguel

Event Date

May 27, 2022
to  May 27, 2022

Event Time

Start 11:00 am
- Ends 2:00 pm

Event Location:

Located in Spain
Start at Ciudad de los Niños, Ctra. de Málaga, 193, 18015 Granada Granada, España

For Whom?

Start at All persons with basic knowledge of stilt walking.

The actor’s work on stilts is primarily about visibility. Being taller automatically means being more visible. Secondly, the work on stilts is linked to disproportion, a condition that obliges the actor to use his body/movement instrument by amplifying and dilating gestures and theatrical actions.

Theatrical actions. A performance on stilts must take into account both elements:

Visibility and dilation. It is not enough to dwell on the first of these two, as it is essential to be aware of the disproportionate of the actor’s body.

The work that will be developed in the field is based on the learning of rhythmic sequences and small choreographies to the rhythm of Flamenco, thanks to the supervision of the teacher Carmen De Miguel, and will be further expanded and enriched by the dramatization that will be identified within the residency. All these compositional parameters will lead to the final collective performance.

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Fundacion Escuela de Solidaridad - FES

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The Fundación Escuela de Solidaridad is a project that aims to recover the family sense of people who, due to various circumstances, have not been able to and cannot experience it. It starts from a concept of a universal family where any creed, idea, religion or conviction is accepted and fully integrated, with respect as a method of intervention and personal development. With these premises, the Foundation welcomes people living uprooting, social disadvantage, abuse or exclusion into a home: mothers with children in emergency situations, young immigrants, adults and adolescents at risk. The home is the starting point for personal recovery and in it the key method and training for future integration into society is developed. This idea is rooted in a spirit of non-biological “paternity” or “mothering”. People who are vocationally dedicated to this task act like any father or mother and do not receive financial remuneration for this work. The home is a nurturing space that feeds and promotes learning tasks and where introducing new content is a constant. The Foundation has a philosophy of openness, of not putting conditions on the people it welcomes at home, except in the case of addicted people (alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc.) who are referred to specialized centers. At the same time, a feedback phenomenon occurs over time. The testimony of the oldest in the home becomes a role model for the newcomers.