Juggling is not just manual skills, juggling is done with the body, with the whole body. The feet have infinite potential to experience with the juggling clubs, they are the gateway to discover new keys. In this workshop you will understand the physiognomy, clubs and throws basics to balance on your feet, you will increase your awareness of the balance of your body in relation to the object, you will discover new stops and blocks between body, legs and feet. This workshop helps to understand better the relationship with one’s own body, improving the perception of the physical and mental balance. Keep an object balanced on the foot It is not as simple as it seems. Two types of balance, that of the object and that of the body itself. Analyze the gait position and structure of the feet to understand how many actions they can perform, actions that we are not used to performing. In this workshop you will see that the feet and legs are so important for juggling like arms. They are the ones that keep us in balance the world, let us learn to know them better and to value them.